'You are imperfect, 

you are wired for struggle, 

but you are worthy of love and belonging'

Brene Brown

Get in touch to book a free 20 minute intro call

Hello and a warm welcome to my page

Are you searching to find purpose in life or your place in the world? Are you struggling in your relationships and don't know who to talk to? Maybe you have experienced significant change or loss in your life. There are so many different types of grief or loss: losing a loved one, the end of a relationship, a change in employment or home. It can leave you feeling isolated, unable to cope or to make decisions. 

Maybe you are feeling anxious or stressed? Do you struggle with sleep or can you not stop thinking? Are you finding it hard to concentrate at work? Or are you finding it difficult to motivate yourself? Perhaps you suffer with low self-esteem?

I meet many people who are struggling to cope with these sorts of feelings. I  understand how you feel and I am able to help you start to make sense of things. I will work with you to bring about the transformation you are looking for, 

I understand that you may not know what help you need or who to talk to. I therefore offer a free initial 20 minute telephone conversation to help you decide if you would like to try therapy sessions with me. Please do get in touch.

Visit my About or my Services page to understand more about the way I work.